A life full of club activities
Here you will find brief information and links to Dyrön’s clubs and associations. Contact Dyröns Samhällsförening if you think your island organisation should be seen here.
Dyröns Samhällsförening (the Civic Association)
Dyröns Samhällsförening was founded in March 2000. The purpose is to work for a year round animated community. You can become a member if you are a registered inhabitant or part-time resident of Dyrön and have turned 15 years of age. Others may become support members.
The membership fee is SEK 80 per member annually, SEK 200 per family.
Board of Directors
- Leif Friis, 2018-19, vp. acting president as Lennart Sjölund withdrew from office.
- Annica Gilbertsson, 2018
- Bengt Lorentsson, 2018-19
- Anna Ågren, 2018-19
- Johan Eriksson, elected for 2017-18
- Leif Göbel, 2018
- Bertil Gyllander secretary, 2018-19
- Agnetha Haraldsson, 2018-19
- Kjell Johansson, 2018-19
- Linda Olsson, 2017 -18
- Lena Bergqvist, 2018
* Elected at the annual meeting 2018-03-17
E-mail: dyronssamhallsforening@hotmail.com
Box 5044
471 14 Dyrön
Dyröns Road Association
Board and extra delegates – 2017
Leif A Nilsson president
Kristofer Ågren delegate
Inge Kareflod delegate
Bengt-Olof Karlsson delegate
Mats-Ove Ivarsson delegate
Janne Wikström substitute
Mikael Laitinen substitute
Johan Eriksson substitute
Bertil Julin auditor
Lennart Olsson auditor
Liselotte Wikström nomination committee
Annica Nilsson nomination committee
Dyröns IF (Sports Club)
Dyröns IF arranges among other things football scholl, the Midsummer’s festivities and a flea market.
Feskevigas bathing association
The association keeps track of the Feskeviga’s beach area or “Hala” as the beach area also is called. They clean the beach, repair broken trampolines and put in new bath ladders. If you want to make a contribution to the operations, it is gratefully received at Swish 123 589 2021. Become a member by paying SEK 100 per family or eller SEK 60 per person, at bankgiro 5901-8705. Don’t forget to write your name and address.
- Gunnar Hansson, president, 0709-490005, gunnar.hansson@medkem.gu.se
- Marina Eriksson, secretary, 0705-878852, eriksson.mahe@telia.com
- Mona Lorentzon, finances, 0706-590179, mona@astridfiskexport.se
- Markus Lorentzon, delegate, 0763-277376, –
- Johan Eriksson, delegate, 0703-133212, lars.johan.eriksson@hotmail.com
- Petra Nilsson, delegate, 0706-281926, petra.nilsson@vgy.se
- Martin Olsson, delegate, 0728-651596, mortis_77@hotmail.com